
sales support

Micron returns and warranties

We strive to provide the best quality and customer assistance possible. Micron makes arrangements with our OEMs and authorized distributors to handle returns.

Did you purchase a Micron product from another source such as a distributor or reseller?

If you purchased a product from our Micron consumer brand, reseller, authorized distributor or contract manufacturer—please contact them directly for their return policies and to receive the fastest service.

For product purchased through an India authorized distributor, please contact the Kaizen RMA Service Center Toll free at 1-800-425-3234 or email at micron_services@kaizeninfoserve.com and follow the below instructions.

  • Provide Kaizen Infoserve with proof of purchase (invoice from Micron Authorized Distributor), product details, information on the issue encountered.
  • Kaizen Infoserve will validate the claim to determine product is still under warranty. If under warranty, Kaizen will provide an RMA number and return/replacement instructions to one of 18 Kaizen service centers throughout India.

Did you purchase directly from Micron?

If you purchased the product directly from Micron, contact your Micron sales representative or Customer Sales Operations Specialist. To ensure the fastest response, please follow our Product Return Process.


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